Halloween Giveaway: Apple iPad Mini 32GB
Posted by Manuel Garcia. Filed in Tags: Giveaway
During our pre-Halloween celebration which we conducted by means of a spectacularSamsung Chromebook giveaway, we asked our readers on how can we improve designrshub.com in terms of design, content and so on. Honestly, we felt overwhelmed at the statements we have received – both good and bad criticisms.
In terms of design, I noticed some people with great eyes that noticed some of the things that we must renovate here. Of course, we put all of your comments on our consideration and currently brainstorming those fruitful ideas.
In terms of content, aside from looking for design-related tutorials, most of you voted that we must conduct more gadget giveaways in the future which is we can’t disregard.

Apple iPad Mini Giveaway
Due to phenomenal public demand, here’s another gadget giveaway brought to you by designrshub.com with special participation of Web and Graphic Design Resources,Home Budget Tips, Places and Spaces and Online Tech Magazine. (We are starting to plan our Christmas giveaway so if you want to be part of it, contact us.)
This Halloween giveway will not also be possible with your $5 donation to our last giveaway so we heartily thank you.
Join our Halloween celebration by entering our giveaway to get a chance to win a brand new Apple iPad Mini worth $429. If you do not want the gadget, you can choose to claim the money worth the device. Or, you can add more money to upgrade the price to 64GB. It’s up to you.
Who can enter?
Anyone, of any age, living on planet Earth can enter to win the iPad mini. There is absolutely no restriction. If you know how to use a mouse, a trackpad, or a Multi-Touch screen, then consider yourself eligible for this iPad mini giveaway.
How to win?
This giveaway will be run through Rafflecopter. See below on how to grab your entries:
Editor’s Note: All complaints regarding the number of tasks on RaffleCopter won’t be entertained as you are not obliged to complete it all. However, in order get more chances of winning, you must complete the tasks as long as you can.